. . . freedom in movement

MN Blog

Musing on Bodywork

Olives of Morocco

Abundance is everywhere…

We have an abundance of crumbs on the counter, dust-bunnies under the bed, bills to pay, and laundry to fold.  So it goes to follow that we have food, we sleep off the ground, we are privileged with credit, and we have a selection of clothes to wear.

The abundance in our lives is astounding.  Beyond food and clean water, we have warmth in a cold place, can seek shade when it is hot, we are part of many communities that give us a place in this world and help us and our children feel loved, we have the net of family, we have unconditional love from our amazing parents, we have the gift of children and the opportunity to love them unconditionally, we are healthy, we have friends to share our lives with, we have friends to support us and accept us. And even during lean-snow times, we can decide to notice an abundance of snow…

Abundance is everywhere… searching for it without consumption is a daily challenge. Although not always successful, I do know that the times when I experience the most contentment is when I engage in intentional noticing and finding gratitude in life’s discreet gifts in the form of precious moments…

Karen Reader